Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Chokeberry as a Valuable Supplement

Since the berries contain amygdalin, which is converted in the body to toxic prussic acid, you should not consume large quantities of fresh berries. The substances are said to strengthen the immune system, lower blood pressure, cure diabetes, make beautiful skin and have many other benefits that people with a sense of health don't want to miss.

Because of its ingredients, chokeberry is indeed a valuable berry - but it is not a single food that keeps us healthy, but a balanced diet. Further published studies also show the enormous healing potential of the chokeberry with regard to numerous other diseases and ailments. However, its possibilities for this are very limited, so that it has long since been unable to cope with the flood of free radicals acting on it today.

This property often has a regulating effect on blood pressure, so that flavonoids contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system. Polyphenols are considered to be immensely powerful antioxidants, of which the chokeberry contains a very high amount compared to some other berries. Their health-promoting effect has made them an effective, healthy and tasty food in recent years, and a real trend around the blue berry has thus also found its way to us.

It is self-pollinating and can therefore also be grown as a single plant and grow up to two metres high. The chokeberry is a very undemanding plant in terms of soil - it does not like sandy and clayey soils. It can be used coarsely for infusions for teas or as a baking additive for cakes.

So we produce numerous delicacies from the small blue berry: from juices and fruit spreads to chocolates, aronia powder and much more, you will find numerous products in our webshop. You should be more careful with elderberry - you should not eat it raw, as the concentration of prussic acid is quite high here - little tip on the side. In order to stem this oxidative process, we need antioxidants, the so-called flavonoids, which are also found in other fruits, vegetables and oilseeds besides chokeberry.

The harvest time for fresh chokeberries is between August and September, because that is when the otherwise white flesh of the fruit turns a rich blue colour. For this purpose, the berries are washed for the basic recipe, the stems are sorted out and cooked in a pot for about 20 minutes. Instead of 500 grams of berries, use 500 millilitres of pure aronia juice, 700 millilitres of white or brown rum, 150 grams of honey and sugar as required.

Fresh berries are used for chokeberry recipes in the rum pot or to make liqueur and sauce that goes well with desserts. Consumption of up to 500 grams of raw chokeberries is considered harmless due to the prussic acid. Chokeberry juice should be stored in brown opaque bottles so that the ingredients and antioxidants are not lost through the effects of light.

The pea-sized, black, often waxy coated fruits, which can be harvested from mid-August to October, have a sweet-sour-tart taste and are similar to blueberries. The berries are either dried (like raisins), made into jam (e.g. together with oranges), or drunk as juice after steaming.

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